How to eat your way around BC's Sunshine Coast in 24 hours

When you grow up in a place that is nearly constantly covered in grey clouds, it’s only natural that you’ll start to seek out places that sound sunny.

But despite its name, the Sunshine Coast isn’t always sunny.

Sure, the area faces southwest and does tend to enjoy more sunny days as a result, but if you head there in the winter, chances are you’re still going to be greeted with grey skies and, very likely, some rain.

Another thing that happens when you spend too long in one place is you start to itch for newness – new experiences, new environments, and, invariably for us, new dining experiences.

The nice thing about the Sunshine Coast is that, despite having to take a ferry there – locals will be quick to remind you this does not mean that it is an island, as it is actually a peninsula – it makes for a very quick visit for those visiting from Vancouver and surrounding areas.

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